10 Awesome 2021 Films That Didn't Deserve To Flop

4. Spencer

The Last Duel

Princess Diana biopic Spencer was released to a tidal wave of hype over Kristen Stewart's transformative performance in the lead role, not to mention the virtual certainty that she will receive a Best Actress Oscar nomination for her work - and perhaps even nab the win outright.

Despite a svelte $18 million budget and rave reviews pre-release, Spencer has largely struggled to connect with general audiences.

This goes beyond the fact that Oscar-hopeful movies - typically aimed at older viewers - have generally not performed well throughout the pandemic, but that the film's often surreal, unconventional style was extremely offputting to those expecting to watch a more straight-up Diana biopic.

While the film didn't release on enough screens to get a CinemaScore, its Rotten Tomatoes audience rating sits at a terrible 50%, indicating that general viewers were largely alienated by it.

At a result, Spencer's current global gross is just $12.2 million, cauing it to hit VOD internationally within a mere matter of weeks. For such a bold, brilliantly acted biopic, it's a massively disappointing result.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.