10 Awesome 90’s Actors That Were Ruined By The Noughties

2. Nicolas Cage

In the 90€™s Nic Cage was a powerhouse performer who seemed to provide hit after hit, and at one point he was easily one of Hollywood€™s more bankable actors. He featured in was Wild at Heart, Red Rock West, It Could Happen to You, Kiss of Death, Leaving Las Vegas, The Rock, Con Air, Face/Off €“ I mean the list is staggering when you really think about it. Perhaps thanks to becoming a seriously highly paid action star throught the latter years of the 90€™s, Cage suddenly started accepting any old shite, and before we knew it, we were sitting through such forgettable experiences as National treasure, The Wicker Man, Season of the Witch and the seriously f*cking despicable Ghost Rider franchise. Admittedly he has a few good noughties roles under his belt €“ as the brothers Kaufman in Adaptation, as the charming arms dealer in Lord of War, or as Big Daddy in Kick Ass €“ but that doesn€™t really forgive the levels he€™s sank to at times. Hit or miss is only really kosher when the ratio leans toward hits. And seriously, have you seen the Ghost Rider movies? They almost cancel Cage€™s noughties hits out completely and I cannot even begin to fathom why Cage agreed to a reprisal of the role. Oh wait, yeah, money. Of course. It€™s always money.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.