10 Awesome 90’s Actors That Were Ruined By The Noughties

4. Tim Allen

It€™s easy to forget that Tim Allen is a huge part of one of the greatest kids movie franchises of all time: as Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story. You may consider Alan to be a little lowest common denominator, but in the nineties, his career was actually on fire. The Santa Clause in €˜94 was actually a pretty decent Christmas movie, €˜95€™s Toy Story was obviously phenomenal as was its sequel in €™99. Also in €™99 Allen delighted sci-fi fans world-wide as the lead in Galaxy Quest, a hilarious Star Trekesque parody movie, which is made even more exhilarating by being so unexpectedly superb. But, as the old story goes, the noughties were not kind to Allen. Apart from another notable appearance in the third Toy Story movie (again, incredible film, can Pixar do any wrong?) Allen€™s career has been nothing more than lukewarm. A shame really, considering that for a moment there, it looked as though he could go on to become a modern household name. Alas though, thanks to the noughties, t€™was not to be.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.