10 Awesome Actors Who Automatically Improve Any Movie By Their Presence

8. A Double Dose Of Bad-Assery -€“ Sean Bean

Trevelyan Sean Bean.jpg
Eon Productions

When it comes to period pieces, it€™s sometimes hard to suspend your disbelief when you see an effete actor trying to pass him or herself off as a badass from the middle ages. Actor Sean Bean does not have that problem.

Bean got his start as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company, landing roles in Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer's Night Dream. The classically trained actor has shown a keen ability to bring his Shakespearian chops to fantasy filmmaking, most notably as Boromir in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and as Eddard Stark in HBO's Game of Thrones.

However, Bean is not a one-trick-pony by any stretch; he has starred in a wide variety of genres from drama to action. Bean can always be relied upon to nail his role. When he's a called on to play a villain like Sean Miller in Patriot Games or Alec Trevelyan in GoldenEye, he can instil the role with genuine menace.

Even though he tends to play badasses, Bean never opts to play a one note character. He always conveys the depth beneath the surface, making his characters more endearing and memorable than they could have been. Bean's capacity for bringing subtlety and nuance to his roles have made him a sought after commodity among filmmakers, earning his praise from the likes of Wolfgang Petersen and Mike Figgis.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.