10 Awesome Actors That Need To Be Cast As A Superhero

1. Matt Damon

Superhero Qualities: Maybe it was it his best friend Ben Affleck€™s disappointing results from Daredevil that threw him off, or maybe he just hasn€™t been offered an interesting enough part. With superheroes front and center in mainstream media; I don€™t see why Matt Damon shouldn€™t attempt to land a role. He's become an A-list action star and certainly has all the traits needed to bring a comic book hero to life. He's always trying different new roles, and this is certainly one I think he should consider. He€™s already played arguably one of the best spies seen on the big screen, Jason Bourne, so he certainly has the physique and ass-kicking ability. If he can beat the shit out of someone with a magazine; I€™d love to see what Damon could do with superpowers. Potential Casting: Daredevil Ben tried it, maybe Damon could perfect it. Damon may not be considering any superhero movies, but if I can see him playing anyone, it€™s Daredevil. He€™s physically fit, possesses the fighting skills and has the Daredevil look. Daredevil recently had its rights returned to marvel studios. Whether or not they plan a gritty realistic trilogy like the Dark Knight or just use him as a supporting character in the inevitable Fantastic Four reboot or future Avenger movies, Daredevil is likely to resurface somewhere. Knowing Damon, he probably doesn't want a lengthy role that ties him up for years, so brief story lines in Avengers or Fantastic Four could be an option. So there's my super 10. Did I miss anyone you would like to see don the tights and fight evil? Feel free to leave your opinion below.
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