10 Awesome Actors That Need To Be Cast As A Superhero

5. Will Ferrell

Superhero Qualities: What's he doing here? This is for superhero movies, not narcissistic males who selectively see what they want to see. I think Ferrell needs a break from playing virtually the same character in every movie he makes. Superhero movies offer a complete different approach than to what Ferrell is used to and that's why I think it would be an interesting choice. Ferrell can inspire people, as he so often does in most of his movies, and he is certainly a unique leader. If Ferrell can tone down the laughter and amp up the emotion; he is more than capable of giving us a superhero we would genuinely root and care for. He may lack the physical appearance and intimidation, but Ferrell always seems to captivate us even with his often one dimensional characters. Potential Casting: Booster Gold Booster Gold is someone who is starving for attention when he comes from the future to be a superhero in the present. Sounds like a Will Ferrell role already. Ferrell certainly thinks the world of himself much like Booster Gold and that€™s just one of the many similarities. Ferrell doesn€™t need to adjust much to play a superhero trying to make a name for himself and eventually discovering what it means to be a superhero because some of his past characters go through the same self-discovery process.
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