10 Awesome Actors Who Don't Get Enough Credit

4. Ian Hart

Why He's Awesome... Ian Hart has acted in a number of acclaimed productions over more than two decades of work in television and film. He's played, good, bad, ugly, sneaky, mournful, you name it he's probably done it at some point in his career. For those of you who haven't placed him yet, he's Professor Quirrell from the first Harry Potter film. He recently had a regular role in the short lived, but initially anticipated TV series Luck, roles in more serious films like Liam and Enemy of the State, and he has started a run as mentor character on the comedy series My Mad Fat Diary. An unassuming looking man, Ian Hart can slip into almost any personality assigned and fit into the part. Yet He Isn't Given Credit For... Ian Hart is the textbook example of the "oh, that guy?" actor. Unlike many of his older Harry Potter costars, who are recognized as greats with very little prompting, the mention of Ian Hart is largely greeted with vacant stares and slow nods once he's identified. He's played a number of interesting characters, both dark and comedic, in all sizes of productions, but unfortunately remains as supporting characters. What exactly this actor doesn't get enough credit for is difficult to say, because he rarely gets explicit credit for anything he does. He's worked in several movies with admired actors, he works in recognizable and widely known productions as well as smaller independent projects, but Hart himself remains more at the periphery of the public's conscious. Considering his extensive filmography and the quality of his performances, the amount credit given to him for his work is negligible.
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