10 Awesome Characters Who Deserved Better Death Scenes

10. Joe Black Dude

Died In: Meet Joe Black Another broad application of the term "awesome characters," but the original spiritual host of Brad Pitt's body in creepy sort-of-necrophiliac romance story Meet Joe Black was unfeasibly good-looking, and that's what counts in Hollywood. He definitely didn't deserve to be tossed about by a couple of cars like a rag-doll simply for a little bit of disposable dramatic impact. His only crime was to fall immediately in love, and be stupid enough to walk backwards in the middle of a busy road wistfully imagining where his future might be taking him with his new potential love in tow. Such a bright future, and then kablammo - good night! I mean, come on now, does ANYONE deserve this sort of death? http://youtu.be/VDdN_b6TjYo What do you think? Did we miss any of the death scenes you think weren't suited to their victims? Share your thoughts below.
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