10 Awesome Fan Theories About The Future Of The MCU

2. Nick Fury Has A Secret Superpower

Thanos Red Skull
Marvel Studios

Nick Fury is a fantastic character that's played with every ounce of badassery that Samuel L. Jackson can muster, but there could be a lot more to him than his admittedly one-note, tough guy exterior would suggest.

Reddit user Burnnoticelover is on the keyboard for this one, hypothesizing that the eypatch-wearing mystery man has a very particular set of skills - namely, clairvoyance and psychic powers.

The theory uses evidence such as Fury's ability to be completely and utterly prepared for just about every situation he and the Avengers find themselves in, including his last-minute helicarrier rescue at the end of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, and the safe house he retreats to after faking his death in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Burnnoticelover also provides reasoning as to why Fury doesn't admit he has these powers. This is because he's seen how the government seems to distrust gifted individuals - even going so far as to lock them in a floating prison - and doesn't want the insane amount of trouble that would come with him admitting that he was a gifted individual too.

This would be a fitting revelation for a man who lives his life in the shadows, and could provide a genuinely human moment between Fury and the Avengers in a future movie, if he chooses to open his heart and spill his biggest secret to them.

The character's always been something of an enigma, and this would be a suitable way to explain his puzzingly note-perfect behaviour.


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