10 Awesome Horror Monsters You’ve Never Heard Of

8. The Tunneler - The Puppet Master (Series)

No One Gets Out Alive
Paramount Home Video

Puppet Master has spawned a number of sequels, spin-offs, a crossover, a reboot, comics, and video games. Nevertheless, the franchise hasn't really crackled into the mainstream, so discussions surrounding it have largely been confined to horror communities.

This is a pity, since Puppet Master has plenty of great villains, especially the Tunneler. This evil doll has a power-drill fused to his skull, allowing him to burrow through anything (or anyone) with ease.

Despite his diminutive size, the menacing marionette is a nasty piece of work. By charging into his victim's foot, the Tunneler can shred their ankle to pieces, making it impossible for them to run away from him or his figurine friends. If anyone nearby is lying down or asleep, the Tunneler leaps into action, and skewers their face.

Also, the way the Tunneler kills Joey in Curse of the Puppet Master by drilling his you-know-what has to be most memorable and unnerving kill in the whole series.

Despite being murdered and dissected in the second instalment, the Tunneler was too popular to stay dead, As a result, he returned in the follow-up and has appeared in nearly Puppet Master movie since.

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