10 Awesome Horror Movie Villains With One Stupid Weakness

3. Freddy Krueger - The Elm Street Franchise

Leprechaun Shoes Warwick Davis
New Line Cinema

While drugs are obviously bad, there is somewhat of an exception to that when it comes to the Elm Street franchise.

Introduced in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, one way to stop Freddy Krueger is Hypnocil, a drug that suppresses dreams. And if people can't dream, that's one way to hinder a dream demon like Freddy.

Hypnocil would be brought back into the fold later down the line, playing a pivotal part in Freddy vs. Jason. Here, anyone who's had an encounter with Freddy is slapped on a healthy diet of the drug, with the aim being to completely remove Krueger from the public conscience. To help with this, the smart folks of Springwood have removed all public records of Freddy Krueger's existence, meaning the youngsters of the day have zero idea Freddy ever existed - be that as a man or an otherworldly menace.

Krueger's main weakness is that he craves the spotlight and needs that spotlight to survive. If people don't remember him or even know about him in the first place, Freddy is powerless. Throw in a batch of Hypnocil, and Krueger is useless.

Of course, one other Freddy weakness is simply showing him you don't fear him; a trick pulled by Nancy Thompson at the end of the first Elm Street picture.

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