10 Awesome Horror Movies Under 80 Minutes

3. Creep

Host 2020
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Coming basically out of nowhere in 2014 was Creep - a found footage horror starring director Patrick Brice as Aaron, a videographer who takes a gig working for a strange man named Josef (indie wunderkind Mark Duplass).

Josef's increasingly bizarre behaviour leaves both Aaron and the audience unsure whether Josef is merely a Hall of Fame weirdo or something worse, as ensures this 77-minute film is one of the most squirm-inducing, cringe-worthy horrors of the last decade.

Mark Duplass gives a terrific performance as the skin-crawlingly offputting Josef, in a film that toys cleverly with what audiences have come to expect from found footage.

Despite the trickiness of its central conceit, Brice and Duplass reteamed for an arguably even better sequel, Creep 2, which landed dead-on 80 minutes in length.

As a terrifyingly awkward double bill, they're quite the impressive low-budget calling card for Brice, who is currently working with Duplass to figure out the plot for a potential third film - though by their own admission, it hasn't been easy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.