10 Awesome Moments From 2015's Super Bowl Trailers

3. Furious 7 Ups The WTF Factor

If you thought that the Fast and Furious series couldn't get anymore insane, you'd be wrong. The new trailer opens with one hell of a bang, as the iconic Toretto house gets blown up by Jason Statham's Ian Shaw, with Dominic just barely saving his sister Mia from death. Then Toretto and Shaw appear to crash their cars into one another, which for some reason causes all of the glass windows nearby to explode, there's more footage of The Rock firing a mini-gun in the street, Michelle Rodriguez and Ronda Rousey have a fist-fight in sexy dresses, and this is all before the icing on the cake arrives. Yes, the money shot comes when Dominic is driving a car inside a skyscraper before driving out of a window and flying through the air. At this point, Shaw fires a grenade launcher round at the car as it catapults through the air and smashes through a window in another skyscraper. The ruined car then careens out the other side of the building, with Dominic leaping clear just in time as he watches the car plummet hundreds of feet to the ground. As Roman says in the trailer, "this takes crazy to a whole other level". After the bank vault in Fast Five and the plane finale in Furious 6, many seemed to think Furious 7 might fail to live up to the same level of cartoonish madness, but this trailer certainly seems to suggest otherwise.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.