10 Awesome Movie Characters Ruined By Terrible Writing

9. Jonathan Kent - Man Of Steel

Magneto X-Men
Warner Bros.

Superman's dear old foster dad Jonathan Kent has always been a likeable, salt-of-the-Earth-type who helped teach Clark the decent values of humanity.

When Kevin Costner was cast as a grizzled reinterpretation of the character in Man of Steel, most fans were delighted, only to find his ultimate portrayal here extremely puzzling.

The infamous sequence in which Jonathan tells a young Clark (Dylan Sprayberry) that it might be better to let innocents die rather than reveal his true identity was widely lambasted by the fanbase, but what truly riled them up was Jonathan's thoroughly unconvincing death scene.

Jonathan is killed in the middle of a storm after he implores Clark not to rescue him and reveal his identity, which basically makes no sense.

For starters, it's a chaotic storm and Clark could've easily saved him quickly, and secondly, would Clark really just obey his dad like that rather than save his life?

This is depicted as the defining moment of Clark's young life, though going by his follow-up treatment in the DCEU, it's really the incident which turned him into a dull mope for a few disappointing movies.

As great as Costner was in the movie, Jonathan as written served entirely the wrong purpose both thematically and character-wise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.