10 Awesome Movie Scenes We Can't Stop Rewatching

7. Baby Doll Samurai Fight - Sucker Punch (2011)

Dune Part Two
Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch (2011) rode in at a time when digital technology had made the kind of advances necessary to produce an entire film traversing historical periods, sci-fi and fantasy setups, and gravity-defying sequences, all with one unified visual style that blends live-action with CG. And while the film may not have been as warmly received as the director might have hoped, it nevertheless contains some nigh-unparalleled scenes that demand revisiting.

Emily Browning stars as Babydoll, a young woman whose confinement to a psychiatric facility doesn't prevent her from stepping between fantastical, action-laden worlds in order to obtain the items she needs to escape. So, yeah, kind of like Pan's Labyrinth (2006) but for major nerds.

In by far the film's most rewatchable scene, Babydoll, bedecked in an anime-inspired outfit and carrying a sword and sidearm, faces off against three giant samurai warriors, armed with a Gatling gun, rocket launcher, samurai swords, and a scythe. Snyder intentionally gave the film - and thus the scene - an almost 3D, video-game-like look that pushes the boundaries of immersion and 2D filmmaking, and while it may not be high-brow Cinema, it offers up everything you could ever want. Speed metal guitar? Check. Super-slow-mo kills? Absolutely. Lush, two-tone, soft-focus visuals? Say no more.

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