10 AWESOME Movie Trailers (Then The Film Sucked)

9. Godzilla (1998)

Terminator Salvation
TriStar Pictures

The Trailer

If you were old enough to be a conscious human being in 1998, you probably recall the insane levels of hype surrounding Roland Emmerich's Godzilla, bolstered by a frankly fantastic series of trailers which refused to show a full body shot of the creature.

The marketing largely only showed Godzilla's feet and legs, obscuring his full form behind debris and focusing on the chaos he wrought rather than spoiling his appearance.

And it was genius - it made the film an extremely buzzy tentpole, and one from the director of mega-hit Independence Day no less.

The Film

One of the most tectonic blockbuster let-downs of the last 25 years, Godzilla was a dead-ordinary disaster movie fatally hobbled by the atrociously goofy script and deeply disappointing Godzilla design, which strayed far away from the creature's original conception.

Despite being "only" 139 minutes long it feels considerably longer, so insufferable are the sub-Michael Bay characters throughout this agonising slog of a movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.