10 Awesome Movies Audiences Weren't Ready For

3. Dredd

Dredd movie
Warner Bros.

2012's Dredd reboot was an absolutely spectacular fusion of hardcore action, impeccable world-building and dazzling visuals, yet due to appalling marketing - which depicted it as a generic action film and needlessly focused on 3D integration - it failed to recoup even its modest $45 million budget.

Now granted, the 1995 Sylvester Stallone-starring effort was bad enough to put many off Judge Dredd for life, but this new take was effectively everything fans wanted the Sly version to be.

Sadly, the interest just wasn't there for a gritty, R-rated action flick like this in 2012, yet it's easy to imagine in a current cinematic landscape that's made box office gravy out of R-rated actioners like John Wick, Mad Max: Fury Road, the Deadpool movies and Logan, Dredd could've thrived with the right marketing.

For starters, Dredd never even had a "red band" trailer and it's fair to say that Warner Bros. basically sent it out to die.

But had the film been held back a few years and capitalised on the R-rated boom of recent times, not to mention Lena Headey's surge in popularity after Game of Thrones blew up, Dredd could've become a solidly successful genre offering and kick-started a franchise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.