10 Awesome Movies With No Sympathetic Characters

4. Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross
New Line Cinema

This 1992 adaptation of David Mamet's classic play might be one of the best-written and best-acted films of the last 30 years, even with it featuring not a single redeeming character or person who isn't a greedy, selfish a**hole in one way or another.

A deliciously barbed satire of sales work, unchecked capitalism and the American Dream (even referred to as "Death of a F***ing Salesman" by its cast), every single character here gets thrown under the bus eventually, and even the poor real estate purchasers duped by desperate sales tactics ultimately seem more gullible than unfortunate.

There is certainly plenty of charm to go around - Alec Baldwin's mid-film, show-stealing speech is a work of Oscar-worthy beauty - but the characters bring their depressing fates upon themselves, and there's nothing but mocking pity for them all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.