10 Awesome Performances From Usually Terrible Actors

8. Adam Sandler - Funny People (2009)

To say €œAdam Sandler€™s comedies are bad€ is a bit like saying €œHitler went a bit too far€. Sandler€™s crimes against comedy are so great that it€™s impossible to really quantify the damage, and potentially impossible for him ever to rectify what he€™s done. If there was a special area of hell reserved for people in the movies, Sandler would have booked his place long ago. That is unless he's let off for the good behaviour displayed in Judd Apatow€™s Funny People, where Sandler plays comedian George Simmons, a man who€™s traded everything €“ including his own happiness €“ for money and fame. A more popular choice would be to say Sandler's Barry Egan in Punch-Drunk Love, but his Funny People role is the more daring of the two. It€™s daring because this character €“ the loathsome, obnoxious Simmons €“ is quite clearly based on Sandler himself. Sandler honestly seems to want you to hate his character and, by extension, him. It actually ruins the movie, making a comedy about comedy far darker than it should be, but it€™s a great performance nonetheless.
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Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1