10 Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Awful Horror Movies

7. Saw 3D

Dead Silence

After Saw VI underperformed, it was decided the next Saw instalment would be the last (at least, for the time being). This was a smart move since Saw 3D: The Final Chapter was arguably the worst entry in the series. The gore lacks innovation, the flashbacks within flashbacks are lazy, and the 3D gimmick is... well... gimmicky.

Just as it looks like the movie is totally out of steam, Saw 3D pulls out one last trick. Since Saw II, it's been theorised that Jigsaw had a secret apprentice assisting him from behind the scenes. In Saw 3D's climax, it's revealed this apprentice is none other than Lawrence Gordon - the main character from the original Saw.

Not only was this a nice way to tie this sequel to the original, it actually fixed many plot holes. Because several traps involve surgery, it never made sense how Jigsaw was able to perform them, since he's not a trained phyisciain. Since Gordon is a gifted surgeon, this issue was finally resolved.

Saw 3D is still a major disappointment, but learning that Gordon had been masterminding all these events for years left many fans satisfied.


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