The muscle of the puppet brigade, Pinhead is the strongest character - human or not - in the Puppet Master universe. Thanks to his human-sized hands and unnatural strength, Pinhead can drag adult bodies, strangle people with ease, and bruise you up with an array of punches. Pinhead's human incarnation was Herman Strauss, a truck driver who smuggled food to the Jews during the Holocaust. Because of this, Herman was executed by the Nazis for treason ... his appearance in puppet form fits his previous life perfectly. As the strongest of the puppets, Pinhead also seems to be the most loyal, as evidenced by his protective nature over Dr. Magrew's daughter, Jane, in Curse of the Puppet Master. He also seems to be rather close to both Jester and Tunneler, as he's often paired up with one or the other for missions or random kills.
5. Bombshell
Despite only appearing in one Puppet Master film, Bombshell breaks into the top five of the most awesome puppets in the franchise's history; and rightfully so ... fans have been eagerly anticipating her entry into the series since 1999! Originally slated to appear in the Puppet Wars spin-off trilogy, Bombshell was meant to be fashioned after the famous torch singers of the 1940s (think Jessica Rabbit) with bombs for breasts. There was even a prototype of the puppet made with Bombshell in this type of ensemble. When Axis Rising came about, fans were ecstatic to find out that Bombshell would finally debut ... only this time she'd be a puppet working in league with the Nazis against Toulon's creations. Inhabited by the spirit of main antagonist Moebius' seductive and busty lover, Uschi, Bombshell is armed with a pair of machine guns hidden behind her steel bustier (rather than bombs) and giggles maniacally as she fires away at her targets. Bombshell not only takes pleasure in firing away at her enemies, she also seems to get satisfaction out of slapping around (and in one case, headbutting) Leech Woman in the series' first and only catfight. Will we see Bombshell again in the future? Considering the way Axis Rising was left open-ended and given her popularity, chances are it is a major possibility.
Tommy Bobby Watanabe is an aspiring American novelist, stage actor, playwright, former LGBT rights activist, and has three years of independent professional wrestling experience and has been a big fan since 1998. An avid horror movie buff and comic book aficionado, TBW is honored to be featured on WhatCulture with some of the Internet's most talented writers and looks to spread his own knowledge and wit to WhatCulture's loyal readers.