10 Most Awesome Puppets From Puppet Master


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjKFYG7sTtI#t=409 JUST KIDDING. Tank is, by far, the most ridiculous and most moronic puppet ever created. I seriously would like to backhand whoever thought this up. In Curse of the Puppet Master, the puppets' latest master, Dr. Magrew, tricks his new handyman into carving a new puppet following the designs of the late Toulon. In a round about way, Magrew believes if you put everything into making the perfect puppet, you'll basically transfer your soul into it. The whole thing was rather convoluted even by B Movie standards. Magrew's handyman/assistant/apprentice Robert "Tank" Winsley has his soul (and apparently entire body) transferred into the puppet. The only problem is ... the puppet is completely made out of metal. The dude even has a television monitor for a head. Really? We just spent seventy minutes watching Tank carve a puppet out of WOOD! I know movies such as these don't put much stock into continuity, but we just watched it happen. How convenient is it that Robert's nickname is "Tank" and the puppet he carves just happens to be ... A TANK! No one liked the human character of Tank and no one really liked the puppet character of Tank either. Oh, and another thing, this wood-turned-metallic puppet was also able to shoot electricity out of one of his arms that was a cannon. And now, to reveal the number-one spot on our countdown.

Tommy Bobby Watanabe is an aspiring American novelist, stage actor, playwright, former LGBT rights activist, and has three years of independent professional wrestling experience and has been a big fan since 1998. An avid horror movie buff and comic book aficionado, TBW is honored to be featured on WhatCulture with some of the Internet's most talented writers and looks to spread his own knowledge and wit to WhatCulture's loyal readers.