10 Awesome Robert Pattinson Movies To Watch Before The Batman

9. High Life

Robert Pattinson Cosmopolis

In terms of ambitious, unique roles, one must look no further than Claire Denis' High Life.

Pattinson plays a stranded astronaut with a young daughter hurtling towards the unknown in this rather divisive film. Some call it an incredibly interesting and challenging non-linear endeavour, while others have called it empty and nonsensical. It's certainly arty and certainly brave in terms of its themes and subject imagery.

High Life is also raunchy, bold and shocking. If you're looking to shake your sparkling vampire image of Pattinson, this is the perfect film to it with. It's very unlike most sci-fi films you've possibly seen before, and with Pattinson front and centre showing a completely new side to his acting range and script choosing, this is an absolute must if you're a fan of bizarre art films.

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Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.