10 Awesome-Sounding Sequels That Will Never Happen

8. District 10

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TriStar Pictures

District 9 remains one of the most striking debut features in recent memory. Part sci-fi blockbuster, part social commentary, the stunning visual effects greatly belied the $30m budget and the movie would ultimately earn $210.8m at the box office and find itself nominated for four Academy Awards including Best Picture.

Since then, Neill Blomkamp's career has never managed to hit the same heights, with follow-up efforts Elysium and Chappie sticking closely to the themes established in District 9 but suffering from a much more tepid critical reception.

Blomkamp spent years publicly discussing his desire to make District 10 but the fact that it hasn't happened by now means it won't happen at all. Although further exploring the world established in District 9 remains an intriguing prospect, almost a decade has passed and the director finds himself lower on the Hollywood totem pole than ever before.

Franchising the movie that made his name in the first place would mark a step backwards for the director, who really needs a fresh project in order to recapture that early success and prove he wasn't just a flash in the pan.

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Iron Man 4
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