10 Awesome Space Movies That Are Better Than Interstellar

7. Wall-E

Wall-E might sound like a strange movie to mention in the same breath as Interstellar, but one wild fan theory doing the rounds is that Wall-E is actually the sequel to Nolan's latest blockbuster, the idea being that it takes Interstellar's barren earth one step further to the point where humans have left and all that remains are robots tending to the piles of rubbish. It's a neat little theory and Wall-E certainly shares some of Interstellar's preoccupations with environmental degradation and our species' tentative steps into space exploration. It's also one of the most beautiful looking Pixar films to date, with wonderfully quirky character designs full of personality set against some impressive space vistas. Perhaps another point of comparison lies in the personalities of Wall-E's robotic protagonists - as with Interstellar they are imbued with human characteristics and also appear to have more emotional appeal than their human co-stars.

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