10 Awesome Things In The Best Summer Movie Season Ever‏

7. Who Is The Winter Soldier? - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The Scene: Unless you've been living under a rock - or you didn't bother to see the first film which, well, we can't really blame you - the mystery of the titular villain in Captain America: The Winter Soldier's identity wasn't all that mysterious. Still, it took a while for Steve Rogers to get his head around it - not that you can blame him, he did have other things on his mind. Like being a World War II hero who was frozen and awoken in the modern day, or that the country he so proudly serves have turned out to maybe not be the good guys after all. Still, even if it wasn't a shock to us, seeing Cap himself realise that the Russian super assassin was actually his old sidekick Bucky was a pretty amazing moment. Why It's Awesome: Well, the realisation occurring during one of the best action scenes of the summer probably helped. Directors Anthony and Joe Russo don't have a whole lot of blockbuster experience, but it turns out they know their way around a decent fight sequence, as the battle between Cap/Nick Fury/Black Widow/The Winter Soldier on the streets of Washington DC will attest to. Amongst all the carnage and quipping, however, the revelation that it's Bucky - the cheery sidekick who was missing, presumed dead, and mourned by Captain America ever since - they're fighting against really hit home, and made everything seem less "hoo-ra!" and more "aw, man".

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/