10 Awesome True Stories That Still Need The Hollywood Treatment

5. The Night Witches

Honestly, I can't put this better than this Tumblr post (well, I might put it with better spelling and grammar, but still):

"The witches were russian lady bombers who bombed the s**t out of german lines in WW2. Thing is though, they had the oldest, noisiest, crappest planes in the entire world. The engines used to conk out halfway through their missions, so they had to climb out on the wings mid flight to restart the props. the planes were also so noisy that to stop germans from hearing them combing and starting up their anti aircraft guns, they€™d climb up to a certain height, coast down to german positions, drop their bombs, restart their engines in midair, and get the f**k out of dodge.

their leader flew over 200 missions and was never captured." Do I really need to say more?


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Dan Schindel loves movies more than you do. He considers it an accomplishment to have survived a year and counting in Los Angeles. Someday, he'll be the greatest critic in the world. He spent a year watching a documentary every day, so now he knows everything.