10 Awful Franchises That Proved Bad Movies Can Still Make Big Money

8. Resident Evil

Fifty Shades Of Grey
Pathé Distribution

Movies based on video games have never enjoyed the greatest of reputations, so the fact that the most critically-acclaimed movie in the Resident Evil franchise currently holds a whopping 37% score on Rotten Tomatoes isn't exactly breaking news.

However, there's no denying that the horror-tinged actioners had a huge number of fans, with four of them opening at the top of the domestic box office as Resident Evil became the most lucrative series of video game adaptations in history after amassing over $1.2bn globally.

If you're not a fan, then you're definitely not a fan, because outside of the diehards there really isn't a lot to recommend to the uninitiated about any of the Milla Jovovich beat-em-ups, but the brand proved to be so popular that a reboot was announced just six months after The Final Chapter hit theaters, without even a hint of irony.


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