10 Awful Horror Movies That Threw Away Brilliant Premises

1. The Happening

Fantasy Island Movie
20th Century Fox

Nothing encapsulates M. Night Shyamalan's baffling directing choices more than The Happening. This sci-fi horror is so infamous, it's easy to forget people were once excited for it, and although Shyamalan's work had an unmistakable decline in quality at this point, fans hoped The Happening would put The Sixth Sense director back on track. 

Firstly, the concept was genuinely compelling, with the story revolving around an unknown enemy that's making humanity kill themselves. Prior to the film's release, The Happening's trailers gave nothing away, so moviegoers had to go to the theatre to find out who or what is behind this carnage.

As for the mastermind behind The Happening's mass suicides? It turned out to be... plants. 

Now, this concept could still work, as the idea that all plant life has evolved to produce spores that drive mankind to take their own life is chilling, especially since trees, grass, flowers, and houseplants are everywhere. As it only takes one spore to be infected, anyone can fall victim to the plants' wrath anywhere, anytime. 

Even though the scenes involving the suicides are unsettling, the film is hampered by unintentionally hilarious moments involving discussions about hot dogs, the ensemble running away from the wind, and Mark Wahlberg talking to a plastic plant. With the excessive close-ups, otherworldly performances, and terrible dialogue in The Happening, it feels like Shyamalan was trying to sabotage his own project.

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