10 Awful Looking Upcoming Movies That Will Make Serious $$$

3. Flight Risk


Upcoming bottle thriller Flight Risk plants a bald-pated Marky-Mark Wahlberg on a US government flight escorting a valuable mob informant to give evidence. The twist? Wahlberg's character is an assassin who has infiltrated the operation and intends to dispatch the witness before they can make it to court. So far, so Michael Bay. Right?

Wrong. This is a Mel Gibson joint, and to say it came out of left field is an understatement, given this is coming from the man who has spent his limited directing career bringing us some pretty heavy, culturally significant dramas in Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ, Apocalypto and Hacksaw Ridge.

The film looks like any other run-of-the-mill action-thriller, especially the straight-to-video kind Nicolas Cage dug himself out of bankruptcy with last decade, and it lacks any of the grand scale and bombast Gibson's directorial work is known for.

So why bother, if not to make money from a zone-out popcorn muncher? Well, perhaps that's exactly the point. Flight Risk will still take in a respectable box office no matter the quality, thanks to Mark Wahlberg's star power, a bonkers series of twists and turns, and the marketing push Lionsgate is currently giving it.

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