10 Awful Movie Retcons That Pissed Off Everybody

5. James Bond Saga Becomes A Parody Of Its Own Parody - Spectre

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You know it’s bad when a serious film rips off its own spoof.

After three films varying from bad to great, Daniel Craig’s James Bond marched into Spectre all guns blazing with a phenomenal opening scene and plenty of badassery along the way. It’s all going so well until Bond discovers the mastermind behind this whole Spectre thing is his long thought dead foster brother Franz Oberhauser.

Not only that, apparently every other mission Craig’s Bond has embarked upon is simply manipulative work from Blofeld in his ongoing quest to kill every female in Bond’s life or something.

So on top of ruining much of the appeal and story of the Blofeld character from the earlier films and Ian Fleming’s novel, Spectre also ruins much of Craig’s own prior films. From detracting from the evil genius of Raoul Silva by revealing Blofeld was behind his villainy to dismissing the Quantum group as little more than an offshoot of the Spectre group, this was the gift that kept on giving.

After James Bond mystically regenerates from Blofeld literally drilling his brain into mush, he effortlessly beat his foe and left us all assuming that’s it for Craig’s Bond and his bro turned foe.

If only it were so simple.

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