10 Awful Movies From 2018 With Awesome Concepts

2. Venom

Venom Tom Hardy

The Pitch: Tom Hardy stars as Eddie Brock, a journalist who finds himself bonded to an alien symbiote, bringing out his innermost desires in the process.

The Reality: It was tough not to be intrigued when Tom Hardy was cast as Eddie Brock, because he's a wonderful actor and a far better casting choice than Topher Grace was in Spider-Man 3.

But between an agonisingly formulaic screenplay and flat direction from the inconsistent Ruben Fleischer, Venom couldn't help but feel like a dated superhero movie dragged kicking and screaming from the early 2000s.

From its nonsensical plot to its inconsistent tone, boring characters, lame villain and hilariously bad sequel-bait ending, Venom is a colossal squandering of a potential-riddled premise.

It's at least weird and bizarre enough to be mildly interesting, but Hardy's involvement should've inspired a much more thoughtful and satisfying film than this.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.