10 Background Star Wars Characters With Ridiculously Convoluted Backstories

9. Davin Felth

Star Wars Davin Felth

Remember that stormtrooper seen roaming the Tatooine desert looking for a pair of droids in Episode IV - A New Hope? Well, this bloke actually went by the name of Davin Felth and had quite the ridiculously intriguing backstory.

It was actually revealed in Legends continuity that this Imperial soldier discovered something rather important back when he was driving an AT-AT walker during a combat simulation. 

Felth, an elite trooper, realised that these massive machines were vulnerable to enemy ships potentially using cables to trip them over, and felt the best way to avoid that embarrassing and rather catastrophic scenario would be to move the AT-AT into a kneeling position. Ingenious. 

How was he rewarded for such a brilliant discovery? In an attempt to stupidly keep said weakness a secret, Felth was assigned to the Stormtrooper Corps by Colonel Maximilian Veers before eventually being sent off to Tatooine.

That all led to Felth uttering his "Look, sir! Droids!" line while searching the Dune Sea, with Felth eventually growing disillusioned with the Empire, killing his commanding officer, and becoming a spy for the Rebellion - even offering them the secret to taking down the AT-ATs, too.

So, there you have it. Long before Finn decided to join the good fight in the sequel trilogy, another stormtrooper was actually doing something similar in the Legends continuity.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...