10 Background Star Wars Items More Important Than You Think

1. The Compass In Luke's Home - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Poe Dameron Necklace

During those years in-between the fall of the Empire and the rise of the First Order, it's safe to say the legendary Luke Skywalker kept himself rather busy.

Along with creating his own Jedi Temple and attempting to train another generation of peacekeepers, this son of Anakin actually tried to learn all that he could about the Order and its history.

This quest to discover as much knowledge as possible about the Jedi led to him finding a number of intriguing artefacts over the years, too, including a little item which was eventually spotted in the background during Episode VIII - The Last Jedi.

Just before Chewbacca smashes his way into Luke's hut on Ahch-To, the camera lingers on a collection of objects, with one of these being a silver compass with a small blue orb in the centre.

This wasn't just a funky prop someone thought would look cool in Skywalker's gaff, though. This was actually a star compass Luke rescued from one of the Emperor's observatories on Pillio during the Battlefront II video game campaign.

And if that wasn't already interesting enough, it turns out that this compass actually helped him find Ahch-To in the first place, according to Episode VIII's shooting script (via SlashFilm).

Were it not for this important background item, then, Luke seemingly would have never found this birthplace of the Jedi Order.

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