10 Background Star Wars Items More Important Than You Think

9. The Battle Memorial - Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Poe Dameron Necklace

The Bad Batch season two episode "The Solitary Clone" sees Crosshair reunite with Commander Cody in front of a large memorial.

What you may not have realised, though, is the history behind this big slab of stone.

First popping up in The Clone Wars season five episode "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much", this was actually a huge piece of Geonosian rock taken from the planet where the Clone Wars officially began. Each and every clone who fell during that first battle of the war was eventually engraved onto what would become known as The First Battle Memorial.

Crosshair and Cody's return to the Battle Memorial at the episode's end - and the latter's comments on the clones having to live with their choices - feel that little more impactful once you realise exactly what sacrifices that piece of rock was commemorating.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...