10 Background Star Wars Items More Important Than You Think

5. The Lost Twenty (And Secret Cameos) - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

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As Obi-Wan Kenobi searches the Jedi Archives during Episode II - Attack of the Clones, the Jedi Master takes a moment to stare at Count Dooku's bust before Master Jocasta Nu stops by to help.

Why had the Jedi opted to dump a statue of the one-time Order member in their library, though, especially after the powerful Force-user had opted to leave behind the life of a Jedi?

Well, those who haven't taken the various deleted scenes that didn't make it into the Skywalker Saga for a spin, probably didn't realise that Dooku and the rest of those background busts present in this room represent a group collectively known as The Lost Twenty.

Each and every one of these former Masters parted ways with the Order at different points in time over the years, with these statues of them sitting within the Temple as a reminder of the fact that even Jedi Masters were not perfect.

Fun trivia note: Star Wars creator George Lucas, animation director Rob Coleman, and model supervisor Brain Gernand's heads were used to create a few of these Lost Twenty busts, too.

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