10 Bad-Ass Actions Carried Out By Comic Book Movie Villains

9. Sandman Grows Into A Giant

Sandman Soon after Eddie Brock AKA Venom has found Sandman and offered to join forces with him in an attempt to defeat Spider-Man, the duo find themselves battling the webbed wonder at a construction site. Brock hangs Mary Jane Watson (who is in a taxi) from his webbing hundreds of feet above a big container of sand and, while Peter already has Brock to deal with, Sandman uses the container to turn himself in to an awesome giant sand monster. Peter is outclassed as the goliath pounds him with giant, solidified fists, but the monster is subdued when Harry Osborn appears to save the day, breaking him apart with a series of Pumpkin Bombs.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.