10 Bad Comic Book Villains Who Were Still Better Than Steppenwolf

1. The Abomination - The Incredible Hulk

Steppenwolf Mr Freeze
Marvel Studios

What were we saying about Marvel rebooting Hulk? Yes, indeed they did, and the result - while not nearly so odd as Ang Lee's film - is still something of an oddity. While it's essentially a back-to-square one take on the character, it still kind of works as a sequel; and while it's officially part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's one they tend to keep at arm's length, not least because they chose not to bring back Edward Norton as Bruce Banner.

Either way, The Incredible Hulk is a textbook case of an overcompensating sequel. 2003's Hulk was criticised for being too cerebral and lacking in action, and so Louis Leterrier's follow-up cranks the action up tenfold by giving Hulk a human opponent who gradually mutates into a creature of Hulk-like strength and stature, lending the film a Godzilla flavour.

Tim Roth's soldier Blonsky starts off an interesting enough adversary, but as things go on and he simply craves power for its own sake, he just gets a bit too cartoonish and vague. It doesn't help that, once his transformation is complete, Abomination is a bit silly-looking: it speaks volumes that Batman V Superman's Doomsday was disparagingly compared to Abomination down the line.

The CG blur of the final Hulk-vs-Abomination showdown doesn't take long to get tiresome... but, again, not so tiresome as Steppenwolf's scenes in Justice League.

Are we being too hard on Steppenwolf, or too easy on some of the villains listed here? Give us your thoughts in the comments below.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.