10 Bad Comic Book Villains Who Were Still Better Than Steppenwolf

6. The Octopus - The Spirit

Steppenwolf Mr Freeze

There are comic book movie oddities, and then there's The Spirit. The 2008 big screen take on Will Eisner's character was the first solo directorial effort from comics legend Frank Miller, and it immediately confirmed that the success of 2005's Sin City was entirely down to co-director Robert Rodriguez. It also killed Miller's filmmaking career stone dead in a heartbeat.

However, as spectacularly misjudged as The Spirit is on most levels, it's another instance of a film being that bit weird enough to prove almost a worthwhile viewing experience, just the once, if only to see for yourself how bizarre it really is.

And let's face it, if you can count on any actor to give their all regardless of the material's quality, it's Sam 'The Man' Jackson. He may never have looked more ridiculous than he does in this movie, with his succession of odd outfits and odder eye make-up, but he's still Sam Jackson; incapable of giving a bad performance, even in a film as inescapably bad as The Spirit.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.