10 Bad Comic Book Villains Who Were Still Better Than Steppenwolf

3. Jigsaw - Punisher: War Zone

Steppenwolf Mr Freeze

Not unlike Daredevil, here's another Marvel movie that spelled the end of the line for its title character on the big screen, only for both to be later revived to a warmer reception on Netflix. Still, if you're going to kill off a film franchise, you might as well do it as extravagantly as 2008's Punisher: War Zone does it.

Lexi Alexander's film is rightly acknowledged as one of, if not the most outrageously over-the-top comic book movies ever made, with a level of grotesque bloodshed that makes vintage Paul Verhoeven seem sedate. While it makes for great midnight movie fun, it struggles to hit the right notes, crossing the line from pastiche into self-parody.

Dominic West's performance as the antagonist Jigsaw pretty much sums up the whole enterprise. It's curious that West, who has earned such acclaim for his TV work (most notably The Wire), seems by accident or design to wind up mostly playing pantomime villains in the movies.

Seemingly pitched as a midway point between Jack Nicholson's Joker and Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, bad guys don't get much more ridiculous than Jigsaw, with West constantly gurning underneath the piles of latex that give him his scar-faced look, whilst delivering all his lines in the thickest 'Noo Yawk' gangster accent imaginable.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.