10 ‘Bad’ Horror Movies Everyone Gets Wrong

5. Tusk

Jason X

Considering that the origins of Tusk trace back to a joke premise that Kevin Smith pitched on his much-loved podcast, it does make sense that many people would also write this film off as a joke.

And yes, whilst the film is intended to be darkly funny, it does also succeed at being a very disturbing horror film.

This is mostly down to the numerous gore-gags and nauseating scenes in which the protagonist Wallace Bryant is mutilated and re-purposed into a human-walrus hybrid for the pleasure of his captor, Mr Howard Howe. All of which is further punctuated by Howe's harrowing backstory, which we're carefully drip-fed alongside all the brutality.

It's rare that a film can bolster such a unique and bizarre premise, and deliver on it tenfold by balancing the ludicrous nature of its narrative with several scenes that will make the audience wince.

It's most certainly not a film for everybody, but for those who can get aboard its unashamedly weird wavelength, there's plenty of gruesome delights to be found. Marvellously over-the-top and genuinely very repulsive in places, Tusk is a wholly unique viewing experience that dares you to keep watching it.

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Horror Jason X
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.