10 ‘Bad’ Horror Movies Everyone Gets Wrong

2. A Cure For Wellness

Jason X
20th Century Fox

Easily one of modern horror's most unsung treasures, A Cure for Wellness has had 'cult classic' written all over it since the day it was first unleashed in cinemas.

This spiralling, gothic oddity has enthralled and befuddled audiences in equal measure with its gargantuan length, dizzying tonal shifts, and truly horrifying imagery, but the common consensus seems to be that the film isn't particularly good.

And whilst it's certainly a matter of opinion, the film does have many saving graces.

It's likely that many folks were drawn in by the trailer's promise of medical malpractice and body horror, but were instead greeted with something more old-fashioned. Something that took heavy inspiration from the European horror films of decades gone by - even down to those films penchant for truly nauseating gore shots.

Given where modern horror has been going for the last few years, it's easy to understand why A Cure for Wellness was so easily binned when people wanted cerebral terror over old-fashioned gothic atmosphere. And whilst the plot isn't exactly going to win any awards, it does have a compelling central mystery that will keep you guessing right up until the end.

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Horror Jason X
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.