10 Bad Horror Movies With AWESOME Effects

7. The Disappearing Lipstick - Night Of The Demons

Thirteen Ghosts
International Film Marketing

1988's Night of the Demons isn't a good movie by any conventional metric, but it a fun blast of gonzo trash, following a group of high school students who, while partying at a funeral parlour, end up inadvertently rousing a demon who wishes to possess them all.

The film will be forever remembered for the infamous, iconic scene in which Suzanne (an ever-game Linnea Quigley) gets possessed by the demon and, in her madness, draws all over her face and chest with her tube of lipstick.

This bizarre display culminates with Suzanne then pushing the lipstick tube into one of her breasts, the tube disappearing into her nipple as though it were never there.

Though it's obvious to anyone with knowledge of SFX that Quigley was simply wearing a prosthetic chest with a trap door-esque compartment in the nipple, the fact that the seams of the effect are practically invisible makes it an all-timer horror movie effect.

Check out the extremely NSFW scene for yourself at 53:20 in the video below:


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.