10 Based On True Story Movies That Left Out The Craziest Part

8. The Bearded Lady's Life Was Crazier Than Barnum's - The Greatest Showman

The Aviator Leonardo DiCaprio

It's common knowledge that Hugh Jackman's character from The Greatest Showman, PT Barnum, wasn't exactly a nice man. Renowned for mistreating his animals and employees, it's a miracle the film adaptation was able to paint him as a character to root for. But if you're the devil's advocate, you could argue that a few details had to be revised to make Barnum more charming.

But if the film wanted to tell an underdog story without changing the facts, it should've focused on the bearded lady, Lettie Lutz, who is based on circus performer, Annie Jones. Jones's parents sold her to Barnum's circus when she was only nine months old. At the age of five, she developed facial hair, causing her to become one of Barnum's star attractions, The Bearded Girl. At one point, a quack doctor seemingly kidnapped Annie but it's uncertain if this was one of Barnum's publicity stunts.

Annie broke away from Barnum to tour the world as a solo act and fight for the rights of people who were labelled as "freaks". But when her funds ran low, Annie found herself reluctantly returning to Barnum's show as one of his many attractions.


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