10 Based On True Story Movies That Never Happened

8. Bloodsport Is Adapted From The Claims Of A Pathological Liar

Leo Di Caprio Catch me if You Can
Cannon International

The marketing for the 1988 Jean-Claude Van Damme martial arts film Bloodsport proudly proclaimed that it was based on a true story. And if a true story means the highly dubious spewings of martial artist Frank Dux, on who Van Damme's protagonist is based, then sure.

Screenwriter Sheldon Lettich wrote the film's script several months after becoming friends with Dux and listening to his stories, namely about partaking in and winning a secret martial arts tournament in Hong Kong known as the Kumite.

But Lettich has gone on the record to rubbish Dux's tales as nothing more than entertaining fiction:

"Frank told me a lot of tall tales, most of which turned out to be bulls**t. But his stories about participating in this so-called 'Kumite' event sounded like a great idea for a movie. There was one guy who he introduced me to, named Richard Bender, who claimed to have actually been at the Kumite event and who swore everything Frank told me was true. A few years later this guy had a falling-out with Frank, and confessed to me that everything he told me about the Kumite was a lie; Frank had coached him in what to say."

While there's no dispute about the fact that the Kumite event does exist, there's no tangible evidence whatsoever that Dux took part in or won one of the tournaments.

When you factor in that Dux has been caught lying about his military service and alleged employment by the CIA, the believability of his participation in the Kumite quickly crumbles to pieces.

It's even been suggested that his master featured in the film, Senzo Tanaka (Roy Chiao), was entirely fabricated despite Dux's claims otherwise. Yikes.

For a full-fat deep dive into Dux's duplicity, check out Uproxx's fascinating piece on the man.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.