10 Basic Mistakes That Ruin Movies

1. That Ain't Dallas - The X Files

Dodgeball Vince Vaughn

Alright, ruin might be a stretch in this case, but even so, if you know anything about American geography, you'll probably be thrown way off by the "Dallas, Texas" setting of 1998's original X-Files film.

The film kicks off by showing Dallas as a dusty, deeply orange desert city, which couldn't be further from what Dallas, and really Texas as a whole, actually is.

In fact, less than 10% of Texas has what could be considered a desert climate, and Dallas specifically doesn't resemble one at all - it's actually an incredibly populous, not remotely dusty metropolis that's far more green than orange.

As it turns out, the movie was actually shot primarily in Los Angeles, and the filmmakers simply decided to uphold the wildly incorrect - yet oddly widespread - belief that vast swaths of Texas are a desert. 

For Texas natives or anyone who's ever visited, this opening scene makes the film totally laughable from the jump.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.