10 Basic Mistakes That Ruin Movies

9. The Magic Ambulance - Die Hard

Dodgeball Vince Vaughn

It can be shockingly easy for the entire cast and crew of a movie to overlook the finer details while shooting a huge movie. 

Case in point, Die Hard's climax sees Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) planning to escape Nakatomi Plaza in an ambulance which is housed inside a giant truck the terrorists emerged out of at the start of the film.

Except, the ambulance very clearly wasn't in the truck when we saw the terrorists come out of it, and there definitely wasn't room for it to contain both a fleet of bad guys and an ambulance. What gives?

As it turns out, John McTiernan freely admits the mistake, a result of Die Hard's script being reworked on the fly during filming. 

And so, when he filmed the early shot of the terrorists emerging from the truck, he didn't yet know the ambulance would also be stored in there.

While it's admittedly a mistake that few fans have actually noticed over the last three-plus decades, it does somewhat break the movie's otherwise water-tight logic once you're aware of it. 

The villains' getaway vehicle just wills itself into existence out of nowhere, as if by magic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.