10 Batsh*t Crazy Horror Films For Halloween

6. Orgy Of The Dead

Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)
Astra Productions

Imagine The Rocky Horror Picture Show with striptease acts instead of songs and you’ve got Orgy Of The Dead, a very poor man’s monster nudie flick scripted by the incomparable Ed Wood. Encoring from Ed's Plan 9 From Outer Space is Criswell, who introduces the proceedings as only he can, reading his demented dialogue (“It will please me very much to see the Slave Girl with her tortures”) from cue cards Ed was holding beneath the camera.

When the Emperor kidnaps an aspiring writer and his girlfriend, he forces them to watch ten striptease acts performed by such starlets as “Gold Girl” (who dances covered in gold paint), “Cat Girl” (who wears a crotchless catsuit) and “Slave Girl” (who dances naked with her hands bound).

Speaking of starlets, special mention must be made of Pat Barringer, whose dual role as the heroine and as Gold Girl allows her to give two amusingly bad performances. “Poor Pat Barringer,” muses John Andrews, who played The Wolf Man. “She thought she was going to be a big star. And she couldn’t even scream and make it convincing. She couldn’t do sh*t. And those t*ts are plastic, by the way.”


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'