10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For MCU Characters' Quirks

1. Captain America Isn't Hungry

The Avengers
Marvel Studios

Nobody who's seen The Avengers' iconic post-credits scene will ever forget it: it's not a portentous, tantalising setup for a future film, but an hilariously simple shot of the exhausted heroes enjoying some shawarma after saving New York City, in a callback to Tony Stark's prior remark about doing so.

But if you pay close attention you might notice that one of the Avengers isn't eating - Captain America (Chris Evans) instead rests his face on his fist without taking even a single bite, seemingly too damn spent to even shovel some food in America's mouth.

Yet there's a vital practical reason behind this: the scene was shot at the very last minute, by which point Chris Evans was in the middle of shooting the film Snowpiercer, where he sported a large beard.

And so, the Avengers' makeup wizards fitted Evans with a fleshy facial prosthetic to cover the beard, which due to its bulky size he effectively had to pin to his face with his fist. If we saw him attempting to eat, the effect would've been unavoidably given away.

It's an impressively simple solution to a production issue, even if it left some fans questioning why Cap wasn't chowing down with his friends.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.