10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Star Wars Character Traits

1. Hayden Christensen Was Told To Make Up His Own Language - Anakin's Ability To Speak Wattanese

holdo star wars

On top of already being weighed down by the responsibility of playing arguably the most famous character ever to be realised within George Lucas' brainchild, Anakin Skywalker actor Hayden Christensen found himself being presented with yet another tall order out of the blue just before he started shooting on Attack of the Clones.

After reading in the script that his younger version of the eventual Darth Vader would be depicted uttering some Wattanese at one point in the second Episode when conversing with well-known Toydarian Watto, the Canadian heartthrob understandably nudged his director on precisely what this would consist of.

In an unexpected turn-of-events, the mind behind the galaxy casually revealed that "so long as it doesn’t sound like English", Christensen could "just make it up."

Understandably panicked at the realisation that he'd been set the job of pretty much creating an entire language the night before shooting, Christensen would note to The Hollywood Reporter earlier this year, "every time I see that scene, I get a bit of a kick out of it."

Looking back on his rather convincing command of this fictional language during the exchange in question, you'd be forgiven for assuming Christensen had been put through some extensive Wattanese classes in the lead-up. In reality, though, he was just winging it like a true Chosen One.

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